Jonathan Hicks Jonathan Hicks

Which Ceramic Coating is Best

Which Ceramic Coating is Best

Selecting the ideal ceramic coating for your needs can be a complex task due to the broad range of products available. The best choice will depend on factors like your budget, the condition of your vehicle, your performance expectations, and whether you're applying it yourself or hiring a professional.

Below are some top ceramic coating products renowned for their performance, popularity, and reviews as of my knowledge cut-off in September 2021:

CarPro CQuartz

CarPro's CQuartz is a leading name in the ceramic coating industry. It provides outstanding protection from environmental elements and has a stunning gloss finish. Furthermore, it has remarkable durability, with some versions claimed to last several years if properly maintained.

Gtechniq Crystal Serum Ultra

Gtechniq's Crystal Serum Ultra is a high-end ceramic coating product offering superior chemical resistance, hardness, and hydrophobic properties. The manufacturer claims it can last for up to 9 years with the right care.

Nanolex Si3D

Nanolex Si3D is a top-tier ceramic coating renowned for its straightforward application process, making it a popular option for both DIYers and professionals. It offers strong protection against UV rays, harsh weather conditions, and daily contaminants, all while delivering a high gloss finish.

Optimum Gloss-Coat

Optimum Gloss-Coat is a viable option for those looking for enhanced protection and gloss, making the car's color stand out. While its longevity might not match some of the premium options, its affordability makes it an attractive choice for many car enthusiasts.

IGL Coatings Kenzo

IGL's Kenzo is a premium ceramic coating known for its excellent hydrophobic properties, high gloss finish, and durability. This eco-friendly product also boasts exceptional resistance to scratches, heat, and chemicals.

XPEL Fusion Plus

XPEL Fusion Plus is another noteworthy option in the ceramic coating market. This professional-grade product not only provides a high level of protection against environmental contaminants but also enhances the depth and clarity of your vehicle's paint. Fusion Plus has excellent hydrophobic properties that help keep your car clean for longer periods. It's also known for its durability, with XPEL suggesting that it can last for years with proper care.

Remember that the effectiveness of a ceramic coating doesn't solely depend on the product, but also on the preparation and application process. Even the best ceramic coating won't perform optimally if not correctly applied to a well-prepared surface.

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Jonathan Hicks Jonathan Hicks

Where Can I Get Ceramic Coating

Where Can I Get Ceramic Coating

There are primarily two ways you can get ceramic coating for your vehicle: purchasing the product and applying it yourself or opting for professional ceramic coating services. Each option has its pros and cons, and the best choice depends on your individual needs, skill level, and budget.

DIY Ceramic Coating

If you're confident in your ability to properly apply a ceramic coating, you may opt to do it yourself. As mentioned earlier, DIY ceramic coating kits are readily available from various online and physical retailers, such as Amazon, eBay, Walmart, and specialty auto stores like AutoZone.

When choosing a DIY ceramic coating product, ensure you're getting it from a reputable brand, as the quality can significantly impact the coating's performance and longevity. Some popular brands include CarPro (CQuartz), Color N Drive, and Migliore.

Before proceeding with a DIY application, it's crucial to thoroughly research the application process. Applying ceramic coating requires careful preparation and attention to detail. If done incorrectly, it could lead to disappointing results or potentially even damage your vehicle's finish.

Professional Ceramic Coating Services

If you prefer to leave it to the experts, professional ceramic coating services are a great option. Professionals have the knowledge, experience, and tools to correctly apply ceramic coating, ensuring maximum durability and performance.

Finding a professional ceramic coating service near you can be as simple as doing a Google search for "ceramic coating services near me." You could also check with local car detailing shops, as many of them offer ceramic coating as a service.

Before selecting a professional, it's recommended to research their reputation, read customer reviews, and perhaps even see examples of their work. The cost of professional ceramic coating services can vary greatly, so it's wise to get several quotes before making your decision.

Keep in mind that while professional services are typically more expensive than DIY options, the cost often includes thorough preparation of your vehicle's surface (such as clay barring and paint correction) and the application of the ceramic coating, providing you with a hassle-free and usually more reliable result.

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Jonathan Hicks Jonathan Hicks

Ceramic Coating Cost

Ceramic Coating Cost

Ceramic coating for vehicles is recognized for its exceptional protective qualities, longevity, and glossy finish. However, you may wonder about the cost associated with its application. The expense of ceramic coating can depend on several factors:

Type of Ceramic Coating

Ceramic coating products come in a wide range of prices, from affordable DIY kits to premium professional-grade coatings. DIY ceramic coating kits are usually less expensive, with prices typically ranging from $20 to $150, depending on the brand and the quantity of the product.

On the other hand, professional-grade ceramic coatings, which often promise longer durability and enhanced protection, tend to be more expensive. These products typically start at around $100 and can reach up to $500 or more. Keep in mind that these are just for the coating products themselves.

Professional Application

If you choose to have your vehicle professionally ceramic coated, the cost can increase substantially. This is due to the labor and expertise involved in the preparation and application process. Professional ceramic coating services can range anywhere from $500 to over $2,000, depending on the size and condition of the vehicle, the reputation and experience of the detailer, and the specific ceramic coating product used. Some high-end services even offer warranties with their ceramic coatings, which can also influence the price.

Size and Condition of the Vehicle

The size and condition of your vehicle can also significantly impact the cost of ceramic coating. Larger vehicles require more time and materials, increasing the overall price. Similarly, if your vehicle's paintwork is in poor condition and requires intensive correction work before the ceramic coating can be applied, this will also increase the cost.


While not a direct cost of the ceramic coating itself, maintaining a ceramic coated vehicle can involve certain expenses. Most professionals recommend specific maintenance washes to keep the coating performing optimally. These maintenance products add to the overall cost of having a ceramic-coated car.

Overall, while the cost of ceramic coating can be substantial, many car owners view it as an investment to protect their vehicle over the long term. The coating's protective properties can reduce the need for frequent detailing and could even increase the resale value of the car by keeping it in better condition.

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Jonathan Hicks Jonathan Hicks

Where to Buy Ceramic Coating

Where to Buy Ceramic Coating

Where to Buy Ceramic Coating

Ceramic coatings have gained immense popularity in recent years as a long-term solution to keep a vehicle's surface in prime condition. If you've decided to apply a ceramic coating to your vehicle and are wondering where to buy it, you have several options.

Online Retailers

A good starting point when looking to purchase ceramic coating products is the internet. Online platforms such as Amazon, eBay, and Walmart have extensive product listings where you can compare prices, product features, and read customer reviews. The beauty of online shopping is that you can do it from the comfort of your own home and often get the product delivered right to your doorstep.

Specialty Auto Stores

Apart from online platforms, you can also visit specialty auto stores or car care shops. These physical stores typically offer a range of car maintenance products and often have ceramic coatings among their offerings. Examples of such stores include AutoZone, Advanced Auto Parts, and Pep Boys.

Direct from Manufacturers

Buying directly from the manufacturer is another excellent option. You can visit the manufacturer's website to explore their product range and select a coating that meets your needs. Notable manufacturers in this space include CarPro (makers of CQuartz), Optimum Polymer Technologies (makers of Opti-Coat Pro), and Nanolex among others.

Remember that not all ceramic coatings are created equal. It is essential to do your research to understand the differences between various products. Consider factors like durability, hardness, ease of application, price, and the intended surface of application (paint, glass, wheels, etc.).

Also, keep in mind that applying ceramic coating requires meticulous preparation and careful application, and many choose to leave it to professionals. However, if you're up for the challenge, DIY kits are available with everything you need to do the job at home.

Please note that this is just a guide. Always make sure you buy from a trusted and reputable retailer, whether it's in-store or online.

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Jonathan Hicks Jonathan Hicks

Unveiling the Battle: Ceramic Coating vs Clear Bra

The Ultimate Guide to Automotive Protection: Ceramic Coating vs Clear Bra

The Ultimate Guide to Automotive Protection: Ceramic Coating vs Clear Bra


The automotive world is a jungle teeming with various jargons, and "ceramic coating" and "clear bra" are two terms that you might have heard tossed around frequently. If you're scratching your head over these, worry not! This article aims to debunk all the mysteries around ceramic coating and clear bra, and arm you with the knowledge to make an informed choice for your vehicle's protection.

Ceramic Coating vs Clear Bra: An Initial Glance

What is Ceramic Coating?

At its core, ceramic coating is a liquid polymer that is applied to the exterior surfaces of a vehicle. Once applied, it creates a bond with the vehicle's paint, providing a layer of protection. It's like the hard shell of an egg, guarding against everything from minor scratches to harmful UV rays. Moreover, the glossy finish it gives your vehicle is nothing short of a cherry on top.

What is Clear Bra?

Clear Bra, also known as Paint Protection Film (PPF), is a thermoplastic urethane film applied to the painted surfaces of a vehicle. It's kind of like a second skin that offers protection against rock chips, scratches, and chemical stains. Clear Bra is often associated with high-end vehicles, but anyone who values their car's aesthetic and resale value can benefit from it.

In-depth Comparison: Ceramic Coating vs Clear Bra

Protection Level

Ceramic coating offers a decent amount of protection against chemical etching and UV damage. It also has hydrophobic properties, which means it repels water. However, it does not offer any physical protection against rock chips, scratches, or swirl marks.

On the other hand, Clear Bra provides excellent physical protection. Its thick, flexible nature enables it to absorb the impact from rock chips and scratches that would otherwise damage the paint.

Lifespan and Maintenance

Ceramic coating, if properly maintained, can last for a couple of years, depending on the product's quality and the conditions the vehicle is subjected to. It's also low maintenance, as it provides a smooth, repellent surface that is easy to clean.

Clear Bra, on the other hand, lasts longer than ceramic coating - typically between five to ten years. It does, however, require a bit more maintenance to keep it in top shape.


When it comes to appearances, both ceramic coating and clear bra have their advantages. Ceramic coating gives the vehicle a rich, glossy finish that enhances the color and depth of the paint.

Clear Bra doesn't alter the appearance of the vehicle's paint but rather preserves it. It provides a glossy finish and doesn't yellow over time, ensuring that your vehicle looks as good as new.


Ceramic coating is usually less expensive than Clear Bra. However, the cost can vary depending on the brand of coating used and the level of prep work required for your vehicle.

Clear Bra costs more upfront, but when considering its durability and the level of protection it offers, many car enthusiasts and experts believe it's a worthy investment.

When to Choose Ceramic Coating or Clear Bra?

Opt for Ceramic Coating When...

  • You want a shiny, glossy finish for your car.
  • Your primary concern is protection against chemical etching and UV damage.
  • You're looking for a cost-effective solution.

Opt for Clear Bra When...

  • Your vehicle is frequently exposed to physical damage like rock chips and scratches.
  • You want to preserve the original paint of your vehicle.
  • You're ready to make a higher upfront investment for long-lasting protection.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I apply both Ceramic Coating and Clear Bra to my car?

Absolutely! In fact, many car owners choose to install a Clear Bra first for physical protection, then apply Ceramic Coating for added chemical resistance and gloss.

How long does it take to apply Ceramic Coating or Clear Bra?

The application process for both Ceramic Coating and Clear Bra is time-consuming and requires professional expertise. Depending on the vehicle's size and condition, it can take anywhere between a few hours to a couple of days.

Can Ceramic Coating or Clear Bra be removed?

Yes, both Ceramic Coating and Clear Bra can be professionally removed. However, Clear Bra is easier to remove without damaging the underlying paint.

Do Ceramic Coating and Clear Bra require any special maintenance?

Both Ceramic Coating and Clear Bra benefit from regular washing and drying. While Ceramic Coating is generally easier to maintain, Clear Bra may require periodic professional maintenance.

Are there any downsides to Ceramic Coating or Clear Bra?

The main downside of Ceramic Coating is that it does not offer physical protection. Clear Bra, while offering excellent physical protection, is more expensive and requires more maintenance.

Which is better: Ceramic Coating or Clear Bra?

Neither is inherently better as it largely depends on your specific needs and preferences. Clear Bra offers more robust physical protection, while Ceramic Coating is generally cheaper and easier to maintain.


In the end, the decision between ceramic coating and clear bra boils down to your specific needs, expectations, and budget. Both offer significant benefits and can dramatically enhance your vehicle's look and longevity. It's crucial to consider all factors before making a decision, and when in doubt, consult with a professional to find the best fit for your vehicle.

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Jonathan Hicks Jonathan Hicks

Why Choose Paint Protection Film for Your New Vehicle?



Congratulations on your new vehicle…..If you have got one yet! Now that you have it, have you considered protecting your investment? One of the most effective ways to do so is by applying paint protection film (PPF) to your car. But what exactly is PPF, and why should you choose it for your vehicle? In this article, we will delve into the many benefits of PPF, its installation process, types, costs, and maintenance, as well as comparing it to alternative protection methods

New Car PPF

What is Paint Protection Film (PPF)?

Paint protection film is a transparent, durable, and adhesive material that is applied to your vehicle's exterior surfaces. It acts as a barrier, protecting your car's paint from minor scratches, dings, and environmental damage.

The History of PPF

In short . . . PPF was first developed by the US military during the Vietnam War to protect helicopter rotor blades from debris and sand. Over the years, the technology has evolved, and the automotive industry has embraced PPF as a standard in protecting vehicles from various forms of damage.


Enhanced Aesthetics

PPF can give your vehicle a glossy, showroom finish or a stealthy matte look, depending on the type of film you choose. It enhances your car's appearance, making it look new for longer.

Prolonged Paint Life

PPF forms a barrier between your car's paint and the elements, protecting it from rock chips, bird droppings, tree sap, and other potential hazards. This protection helps preserve your vehicle's paint quality, preventing it from fading or chipping.

Increased Resale Value

A well-maintained vehicle with protected paint can command a higher resale value. PPF can be a selling point for potential buyers, as they will know that the car has been cared for and the paint is in excellent condition.

Self-Healing Properties

Some PPFs offer self-healing properties, meaning they can repair themselves from minor scratches and swirl marks. When exposed to heat, the film's unique properties enable it to "heal" and return to its original smooth appearance.

Stain Resistance

PPF is designed to resist staining from contaminants like bug splatters and road tar. This resistance ensures that your car's paint remains clean and spot-free.

UV Protection

PPF provides a layer of UV protection, preventing your car's paint from fading due to prolonged sun exposure.

Professional Vs. DIY Installation

Professional Installation

It's highly recommended to have PPF installed by a professional. They have the necessary skills, tools, and experience to ensure a flawless application. Professional installers will also provide warranties, giving you peace of mind and protecting your investment.

DIY Installation

Although it's possible to install PPF yourself, it can be a challenging and time-consuming task. The process requires precision, patience, and the right tools. If you decide to go the DIY route, be prepared for a steep learning curve and potential imperfections in the final result.

Maintenance Tips

  1. Wash your car regularly to keep the PPF clean and free of contaminants.

  2. Use a soft microfiber cloth to dry your car and prevent water spots.

  3. Apply a quality automotive wax or sealant to enhance the shine and protect the film.

  4. Avoid using abrasive cleaning products or tools that could damage the PPF.

Cost Considerations

The cost of PPF depends on various factors, including the type and quality of the film, the size and complexity of your vehicle, and whether you choose professional or DIY installation. In general, PPF can be a significant investment, but it pays off in the long run by preserving your car's paint and resale value. To give you an Idea of the cost that come with getting PPF installed on your vehicle here are some average industry standard prices:

  • Full wrap standard 4 door vehicle = $7000-$9000

  • Full wrap Truck/SUV vehicle = $8000-$10,000

  • Only Front End Wrapped (High impact areas) = $3000-$5000

Remember these are just average prices. It is important to rememeber each shop prices their work differently.


Paint protection film is an excellent choice for protecting your new vehicle's paintwork from everyday hazards. With its ability to preserve the paint, reduce scratches and swirl marks, and protect against UV damage, PPF is a smart investment that can save you money and keep your car looking its best for years to come.

Are you Local to Lynchburg VA ??

If you are ready to protect your new vehicle with paint protection film? At Equal Auto of Lynchburg, VA, we're here to help! Our team of skilled professionals will ensure your car receives the highest quality PPF application, keeping it looking pristine for years to come. Don't let scratches, chips, and stains ruin your car's appearance. Contact us today at Equal Auto of Lynchburg, VA, and let our experts give your vehicle the care and protection it deserves. Call us now to schedule an appointment and experience the difference that paint protection film can make for your new car. Or if you want to submit for a quick quote there is a button below.


  1. Can PPF be removed? Yes, PPF can be removed without damaging the paint. It's best to have a professional remove the film to ensure the process is done correctly and safely.

  2. How long does PPF last? High-quality PPF can last between 5 to 10 years, depending on the film's quality, environmental factors, and how well it's maintained.

  3. Can PPF be applied to used cars? Yes, PPF can be applied to used cars, but it's essential to ensure the paint is in good condition and thoroughly cleaned before installation.

  4. Does PPF affect the car's appearance? No, PPF is virtually invisible and doesn't affect the car's appearance. In fact, it can enhance the look of your vehicle by keeping the paintwork in pristine condition.

  5. Is PPF worth the investment? Yes, PPF is worth the investment as it protects your vehicle's paint, maintains its resale value, and helps keep your car looking new for a longer time.

Considering PPF ? ? ?

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Jonathan Hicks Jonathan Hicks

Why Every Tesla Owner Needs PPF and Ceramic Coating: The Ultimate Guide to Protecting Your Electric Dream

Discover the value of investing in Paint Protection Film (PPF) and Ceramic Coating to maintain your Tesla's showroom shine and resale value.


Owning a Tesla is about more than just driving an eco-friendly, high-performance electric vehicle (EV); it's about joining a community that values innovation, sustainability, and luxury. As a proud Tesla owner, you want to protect your investment and keep your car looking brand-new for years to come. That's where Paint Protection Film (PPF) and Ceramic Coating come in.

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know about PPF and Ceramic Coating for your Tesla. Learn about the benefits, the process, and the costs involved in these advanced protective measures. By the end of this article, you'll be convinced that PPF and Ceramic Coating are essential investments for every Tesla owner. Let's dive in!

Paint Protection Film (PPF) is a virtually invisible, self-healing urethane film applied to a vehicle's exterior to shield its paint from chips, scratches, and minor damage caused by road debris, rocks, and environmental hazards. It helps maintain the car's pristine appearance and protects the paint job for years to come.

  1. The Importance of PPF and Ceramic Coating for Teslas

Tesla vehicles, like any other car, are exposed to a range of environmental hazards that can damage their exterior. Scratches, rock chips, bird droppings, UV rays, and acid rain can all wreak havoc on your car's paint job. PPF and Ceramic Coating offer the ultimate protection against these threats, ensuring your Tesla remains in pristine condition.

A. PPF: The Invisible Guardian

Paint Protection Film, also known as Clear Bra or PPF, is a virtually invisible, self-healing urethane film that is applied to your Tesla's exterior. This thin but durable layer shields your car's paint from chips, scratches, and other minor damage caused by road debris, rocks, and even minor fender benders. PPF is so effective that it has been used by the military to protect helicopters and other sensitive equipment.

B. Ceramic Coating: The Glossy Armor

Ceramic Coating is a liquid polymer that bonds to your Tesla's paint, creating a semi-permanent, hydrophobic layer that repels water, dirt, and contaminants. This advanced nanotechnology not only adds a glossy, mirror-like finish to your car but also makes cleaning and maintenance a breeze. Ceramic Coating offers UV protection, chemical resistance, and enhanced durability, keeping your Tesla's paint job in top condition.

2. Benefits of PPF and Ceramic Coating for Tesla Owners

By investing in both PPF and Ceramic Coating, Tesla owners can enjoy a range of benefits that protect and enhance their vehicle's appearance.

A. Enhanced Protection

PPF and Ceramic Coating work together to create a formidable barrier against external threats. PPF provides physical protection against chips and scratches, while Ceramic Coating prevents chemical damage and UV degradation. This dual layer of defense ensures your Tesla remains in top condition, preserving its resale value and maintaining its stunning appearance.

B. Effortless Maintenance

The hydrophobic properties of Ceramic Coating make washing your Tesla a breeze. Dirt, grime, and contaminants are easily repelled, reducing the need for frequent, labor-intensive washes. PPF also prevents minor damage from turning into costly repairs, saving you time and money in the long run.

C. Longevity

Both PPF and Ceramic Coating are designed to last for years, providing long-term protection for your Tesla. High-quality PPF can last up to 10 years, while Ceramic Coating typically has a lifespan of 2-5 years, depending on the product and application. By investing in these protective measures, you're ensuring your Tesla remains in showroom condition for longer.

D. Enhanced Aesthetics

PPF and Ceramic Coating don't just protect your Tesla; they enhance its appearance. PPF is virtually invisible, ensuring your car's original paint job shines through unblemished. Ceramic Coating adds a glossy, mirror-like finish that makes your Tesla stand out even more. By combining these two protective measures, you'll have a vehicle that looks as stunning as the day you bought it.

Full Front End PPF

Full Body Ceramic Coating

2023 Tesla Model Y

3. The PPF and Ceramic Coating Process for Teslas

To ensure the best results, it's crucial to have your Tesla's PPF and Ceramic Coating applied by a reputable, professional installer. Here's a step-by-step guide to the process.

A. Thorough Cleaning

Before any protective film or coating can be applied, your Tesla must be thoroughly cleaned and decontaminated. This process removes all dirt, grime, and contaminants, providing a clean slate for the PPF and Ceramic Coating. It typically involves a thorough wash, clay bar treatment, and a final wipe down with a surface prep solution.

B. Paint Correction

If your Tesla's paint job has any swirl marks, scratches, or other imperfections, a paint correction process may be required before applying PPF or Ceramic Coating. This involves polishing the paint to remove or minimize these imperfections, ensuring a flawless finish.

C. PPF Installation

PPF installation involves precisely cutting the film to fit your Tesla's panels, ensuring a perfect fit. The installer will then carefully apply the film to each panel, using a squeegee and heat gun to remove any air bubbles and ensure a seamless bond. The entire process can take several hours to a full day, depending on the coverage area and the complexity of your Tesla's design.

D. Ceramic Coating Application

After the PPF has been installed and allowed to cure, the Ceramic Coating can be applied. This involves applying the liquid polymer in a thin, even layer over your Tesla's exterior, including the PPF. The Ceramic Coating is then allowed to cure, forming a hard, protective layer. The curing process can take anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days, depending on the product and environmental conditions.

Budget . . .

4. The Cost of PPF and Ceramic Coating for Teslas

The cost of PPF and Ceramic Coating for your Tesla can vary depending on the coverage area, the specific products used, and the installer's labor fees. Here's a general breakdown of what you can expect to pay:


Partial coverage (front bumper, hood, fenders, and mirrors): $1,500 - $2,500 Full front coverage (partial coverage plus headlights and full hood): $2,500 - $4,000 Full car coverage: $4,000 - $7,000

B. Ceramic Coating

Professional-grade Ceramic Coating: $800 - $2,500 DIY Ceramic Coating: $50 - $200 (note: DIY results may not be as effective or long-lasting as a professional application)

While these costs may seem high, consider the long-term benefits of protecting your Tesla's paint job and maintaining its resale value. The investment in PPF and Ceramic Coating can pay off in the long run, both financially and aesthetically.

A person thinking . . .


As a Tesla owner, you've already made a significant investment in a cutting-edge, eco-friendly vehicle that stands out on the road. By investing in PPF and Ceramic Coating, you're taking the necessary steps to ensure your Tesla remains in showroom condition for years to come.

Protect your investment, enjoy effortless maintenance, and keep your Tesla looking stunning with the ultimate combination of PPF and Ceramic Coating. Don't wait – find a reputable installer near you and give your Tesla the protection it deserves.

If you're located in or near Lynchburg, Equal Auto is the go-to shop for all your Tesla protection needs. As specialists in PPF and Ceramic Coating for Teslas, we're committed to providing top-notch service and results that will exceed your expectations. Reach out to us today for a free consultation and discover how we can help safeguard your Tesla and maintain its stunning appearance for years to come.

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Jonathan Hicks Jonathan Hicks

Why everyone should have their vehicle detailed professionally


Here at Equal Auto, we believe that detailing is an essential part of car maintenance, and it's something that everyone should consider investing in. The exterior of your car not only makes an impression on others but also plays a big role in protecting the paint job from damage.

Here are 4 great reasons why everyone should have their vehicle detailed professionally!

Reason 1.

The exterior of your car is the first thing people see and it can make a great impression. (Good or Bad)

A professional detailing service will ensure that your car looks its best at all times, helping you make a great first impression with potential clients or friends.

The exterior of your car will keep getting dirtier the longer you go without cleaning it, which can affect the paint job and the overall appearance of your vehicle. Which in return, will cost you more money to get it cleaned again...

so it’s important to keep up with regular cleanings. A professional car detailer will know exactly how to clean your car without damaging the paint or exterior.

There are many benefits to having your car professionally detailed regularly. First and foremost, regular detailing helps keep your car looking its best at all times, which can improve your overall appearance and make you more attractive to potential clients or friends that you hang out with regularly. And trust us when we say "They will notice something is different".

Additionally, regularly cleaning your vehicle keeps it in good condition, protecting the paint job and preventing rust or other damage from occurring. Have you considered a Ceramic Coating?

Additionally, a professional detailing service will use the best cleaning products and techniques to ensure that your car is properly cleaned and cared for.

If you want to keep your car looking its best and in good condition over the long term, then it’s important to invest in regular professional detailing services. Whether you need a regular cleaning or more intensive detailing treatments, there are many reputable car detailing companies that can help. Of course, if you live in the Lynchburg or Central Virginia area Equal Auto is always here to help. Give us a call or fill out a Detailing quote form today to schedule an appointment!

Onto Reason 2.

The interior of your car is where you spend a lot of time, so it should be clean and comfortable right?

It's no secret that we all spend a lot of time in our cars. Whether we're driving to work, taking a road trip, or running errands, the interior of our cars is often where we spend the most time. So it makes sense that we should keep it clean!

Not only will this make the car look nicer, but it will also be more comfortable and functional. Here are some tips for keeping your car's interior clean and organized.

- Use a trash can: It's important to have a place to put your garbage when you're on the go. Otherwise, it will end up on the floor or in the seats, and that's just gross. A small trash can is an easy way to keep your car clean and tidy.

- Vacuum regularly: Even just a quick vacuum once or twice a week can help keep your car's upholstery and carpet looking nice.

- Keep clutter to a minimum: If you have too much stuff in your car, it will look messy and disorganized. This makes it harder to find things when you need them and may make the interior of your car feel less spacious.

- Wipe down surfaces: The dashboard, center console, and door panels should be wiped down with a clean cloth regularly to remove dust and dirt. This will keep the surfaces looking nice and will prevent them from getting scratched or damaged over time.

- Can't forget those pesky windows: windows never seem clean up the way you want them to. We recommend isopropyl alcohol mixed 5-1 with water and a microfiber towel for cleaning windows.

Reason 3.

A professional detailer will have the right tools and expertise to do a thorough job.

Typically, car detailing is a time-intensive process that requires specialized tools and knowledge to get the job done properly. A professionally trained detailer will have access to all of these tools and resources, so they can thoroughly clean every inch of your vehicle's exterior and interior. They are also familiar with the best techniques for tackling such tasks, so your vehicle will be looking its best in no time.

Plus why would you waste time and energy doing something you don't enjoy?

If you want your vehicle to look its best, it's important to enlist the help of a professional detailer. With the right tools and expertise, they can make sure every inch of your car is thoroughly cleaned to your liking. And by outsourcing this time-consuming task to someone else, you'll save yourself a lot of time and effort in the long run.

Reason 4.

It's worth investing in detailing services to keep your car looking its best!

It is so worth investing in a professional detailing service for your vehicle! In the long run paying a pro to detail, your car can help you keep it looking at its best for longer. Not only will this mean spending less time and money on getting it repainted or fixed, but it will also ensure that resale value remains high.

To begin with, a professional detailing service uses the latest technologies and techniques to create an immaculately clean finish. This means that every nook and cranny will be cleaned, from the inside and out. The end result is a car that looks showroom-new.

In addition, a professional detailer will also be able to spot any potential problems with your car's finish. They can then recommend the best course of action to take in order to deal with these issues. This means that any damage will be much easier and cheaper to fix, saving you time and money in the long run.

At the end of the day, it's important to remember that your car is an important investment. By taking good care of it through regular detailing, you are maintaining its value and protecting your investment. So, if you're looking for ways to keep your car looking its best, be sure to consider a professional detailing service. It will be worth it in the long run!

This article was brought to you by Equal Auto. We provide top-quality car detailing services in Lynchburg Virginia. For more information on our services or to schedule an appointment, please call or fill out a customer request form for the many different types of services we offer!

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Jonathan Hicks Jonathan Hicks

Ceramic Coatings from XPEL: The Ultimate Protection for Your Car


If you're looking for the best protection possible for your car's paint job (besides XPEL’s PPF), look no further than Equal Auto here in the heart of the 7 hills. XPEL's Fusion Plus Ceramic Coating is the latest and greatest in car paint protection, and they offer several benefits that traditional waxing or detailing services simply can't match.

Here's a look at what ceramic coatings are, what they do for your car's paint job, and how they measure up to waxing or other types of sealants/protectants.

What is a Ceramic Coating...

Ceramic coatings are a type of paint protection that creates a hard, durable barrier over the surface of your car's paint job. You want to think of "True" Ceramic Coatings as a very thin layer of glass that bonds to your vehicle's paint at a molecular level.

This creates an exceptionally strong and durable barrier that helps to protect your car's paint job from a variety of environmental threats, including:

- UV rays

- bird droppings

- tree sap

- acid rain

- road salt

- dirt and grime

- and more!

This protective barrier protects your vehicle's paint against daily driving, fading due to UV exposure, and environmental hazards. Compared to traditional car waxing or other types of sealants/protectants. Ceramic coatings offer superior protection against the elements, while also being more durable and long-lasting than these lesser protection options.

What a Ceramic Coating is not...

Ceramic coatings are not a set and forget type of car protection. To maintain the integrity of the coating and keep your car's paint looking its best, it is important to follow a regular cleaning and maintenance schedule for your vehicle.

Additionally, ceramic coatings will not eliminate the need for washing your vehicle entirely, and if a detailing shop tells you otherwise RUN AWAY!

Depending on your driving habits and environmental conditions in the area where you live, you may still need to employ some level of cleaning maintenance for your vehicle. ***

Standard waxes and sealants typically only last 2-3 months on average. When you get an XPEL Ceramic Coat applied to your vehicle, you can enjoy up to 4 years of protection against all the previously listed harmful elements. Just make sure you talk to one of our technicians here at Equal Auto in Lynchburg Virginia on how to properly care for your new Coating.

How to maintain your ceramic coating:

1. Always wash your car in the shade to avoid water spots.

2. Use a PH-neutral or ceramic soap when washing.

3. Avoid using any harsh chemicals or cleaners on your paint.

4. When drying your car, use a soft microfiber towel and be sure to not scrub the paint too hard.

5. Waxing is not necessary with a ceramic coating, but if you choose to do so, use a polymer-based or Carnauba wax.

6. If you need to remove any stubborn dirt or grime, use a clay bar on the affected areas.

7. Always store your car in a cool, dry place and avoid leaving it in direct sunlight for long periods of time.

With regular care and maintenance, your car's ceramic coating will keep its beautiful shine and protection for many years to come! So why wait? Contact us today to learn more about XPEL Ceramic Coatings and how they can protect and preserve your vehicle!

Equal Auto is a leading provider of ceramic coating services in the Lynchburg, VA area.

We use only the highest quality products and equipment to ensure that your car's paint job is protected from the elements and looks its best. We offer a variety of packages to suit your needs and budget, and our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing expert care and excellent customer service. If you're looking for the best ceramic coatings in Lynchburg, contact Equal Auto today!

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Jonathan Hicks Jonathan Hicks

The Benefits of XPEL Window Tint


If you are looking for a high-quality window tinting solution that provides crystal clear visibility, durability, and protection from the sun's harmful UV rays, then look no further than XPEL Window Tint. Our state-of-the-art window tinting products are designed to help keep your vehicle looking great and performing at its best.

Window tint

What is XPEL Window Tint?

XPEL window tint is a high-performance, optically clear film that is applied to the inside surface of your vehicle's windows. Once installed, it creates a barrier that helps to protect your vehicle's interior from fading and damage caused by the sun's harmful UV rays. In addition, XPEL window tint provides a significant degree of privacy and heat reduction. This makes it difficult for people to see inside your vehicle and keeps your vehicle cooler in the warmer months of the year.

Here at Equal Auto we offer 3 different types of window tint from XPEL > Read about the Different types here.

Lynchburg Tint

Why Choose XPEL Window Tint?

There are many reasons to choose XPEL window tint for your vehicle. Our window tinting products are designed to provide superior clarity and durability while blocking out the sun’s harmful UV rays and IR heat rays. XPEL window tint also comes in a variety of shades and tints to suit your taste and needs.

Some of the other benefits of choosing XPEL window tint include:

- Protection from the sun's harmful rays

- Helps keep your vehicle's interior cool and comfortable

- Reduces glare for safer driving

Protection from the sun's harmful rays

XPEL window tint protects from the sun's harmful UV rays. The heat, glare, and damaging effects of prolonged exposure to the sun's rays can be reduced by installing a layer of XPEL film on your windows. Depending on what tint type you choose - CS, XR, or XR Plus - the heat reduction will vary, but all of the options offered here at Equal Auto will reduce 99% of the sun’s UV cancer causing rays.

No matter what level of tint you decide to go with you and your family will be protected from getting skin cancer or other health problems associated with too much sun exposure when you have XPEL tint installed on your vehicle.

Protection from the sun’s ultraviolet rays

This helps to protect your skin and the interior of your car. Over time, the UV rays can cause damage to both your car’s interior and exterior. XPEL window tint blocks 99% of UV rays, helping to keep both you and your car safe.

Reduced glare

The sun can be very blinding, especially when it’s low in the sky. This can make driving difficult and even dangerous. XPEL window tint helps reduce the glare from the sun, making it easier for you to see the road ahead and stay safe behind the wheel.

The Technology behind this tint is fascinating. Even with the lower grade non-ceramic CS tint, you will still have a massive reduction in glare from the sun.

Enhanced privacy

XPEL window tint is designed to keep your windows completely private, helping to protect your privacy and prevent others from looking inside your car. Whether you’re driving through town or on a busy highway, you can feel confident that your windows are fully protected with XPEL window tint.

Of course you have the legal limits in the state that you live in. Here in the commonwealth of virginia the legal limit for VLT ( visible light transmittance ) is no window tint on the front windshield except the windshield tint stip down to the AS1 line.

The two driver and passenger front windows are to be tinted at 50% VLT, and the rear windows to have 35% VLT.

The level of VLT will determine the level of privacy you have for your vehicle.


At Equal Auto, and especially with XPEL, we are committed to providing our customers with the best of window tinting products.

Whether you are looking for protection from the sun's harmful UV rays or simply want to enhance your vehicle's appearance and performance, our high-quality window tinting solutions are a perfect choice.

So why wait? Contact us today to learn more about our products and how we can help you get the most out of your vehicle. Thanks for choosing Equal Auto and the XPEL brand! Call (434) 278-7048.

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Ceramic Tint or Non-Ceramic Tint what Should I have installed on my vehicle and why?

Ceramic Tint or Non-Ceramic Tint what Should I have installed on my vehicle and why?

What is Ceramic Tint?

2022 Honda CRV w/XPEL XR Plus Ceramic Tint

2022 Honda CRV w/XPEL XR Plus Ceramic Tint

Ceramic tint excels at blocking IR and UV rays plus it does not interfere with GPS signals or other similar technologies.

This makes ceramic tint a great investment for those who drive often in hot weather conditions, as well as people that work outdoors regularly such as construction workers or general contractors, as it provides a reprieve from exposure to harsh sunlight while traveling to and from job sites.

Automotive window tinting is a great way to keep the sun’s heat and glare away from you as you are driving , but there are many types of film that you can choose from.

Equal Auto’s Shop

2022 Honda CRV Gets XPEL XR Plus Installed

Here at Equal Auto one of the three tint products that we offer is Prime CS from XPEL.

Prime CS is a non ceramic film that is mainly used as an aesthetic or privacy measure on windows. This tint type offers very little heat rejection from the Sun’s IR rays - it nonetheless provides great privacy as well as visibility depending on which shade of tint is chosen by our customers.

Prime CS As seen below on this Porsche Cayenne Turbo

XPEL Prime CS - Porsche Cayenne Turbo

Then you have the other two tint types that we offer to our customers - Prime XR and Prime XR Plus also both from XPEL. Both products are built with NANO-CERAMIC technology.

Nano-Ceramic window film is a revolutionary technology that will keep your vehicle cool and protected from the sun's harsh rays, even on hot days. The Prime XR Plus line of tint can reduce up to 98% of infrared heat - all while sacrificing nothing in terms of visibility or tint quality!

You, the customer, make the decision of which type of tint you want installed on your vehicle! If you’re looking for maximum Heat rejection from the Sun’s rays….Prime XR Plus would be the option for you.

Window tint near me

If you have a tight budget and just need privacy for your vehicle…..then maybe it would be best to go with Prime CS.

Visit our Tint Section of our website to get a quote or Give us a call or text today - (434) 278-7048.

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